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  • Tuesday 29th

    October 2013

  • From 08:00 AM

    To 05:00 PM

  • 126 SW 2nd Ave

    Portland, United States

  • Ticket price


Candidate meeting


October 29, 2013
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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Icy Pixels
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Venue 126
126 SW 2nd Ave
Portland, OR 97204 United States
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Property is the right vested on the individual or a group of people to enjoy the benefits of an object be it material or intellectual. A right is a power enforced by public trust. Sometimes it happens that the exercise of a right is opposed to public trust. Nevertheless, a right is really an institution brought around by public trust, past, present or future. The growth of knowledge is the key to the history of property as an institution. The more man becomes knowledgeable of an object be it physical or intellectual, the more it is appropriated. The appearance of the State brought about the final stage in the evolution of property from wildlife to husbandry. In the presence of the State, man can hold landed property. The State began granting lordships and ended up conferring property and with it cameĀ inheritance. With landed property came rent and in the exchange of goods, profit, so that in modern times, the “lord of the land” of long ago becomes the landlord. If it is wrongly assumed that the value of land is always the same, then there is of course no evolution of property whatever. However, the price of land goes up with every increase in population benefiting the landlord. The landlordism of large land owners has been the most rewarded of all political services.